Total Cases
Total Deaths
Death Rate
Last Day Cases
Last 7 Day Cases
Last 7 Days by Pop
Where CoViD19 is spreading ? Look at Corona Virus Worldwide Dashboard and visualize some quick KPI.
Here below an intuitive graph showing the total number of Corona Virus Cases Worldwide, move your mouse on each country and discover cases reported in each Country.
If you want to know the total number of cases reported in the last day, you can review data below.
Here below the number of cases reported in the last seven days in each country.
CMI means Cases per Million of Inhabitants per day (average of the last 7 days). So, this is the sum of the new cases in the last 7 days divided by 7, divided by the population and multiplied by one million.
The blue bar shows new daily cases and the green one the number of recovered people. The red bar shows the number of deaths per day on the right vertical axe.
Data Source:
Johns Hopkins University & Medicide
Report Vaccini Anti COVID-19